By DFW Snow Parties In Snow Party
When most people think of a snow party the word “creepy” usually doesn’t fit the description. However, the beauty of a snow party by Mr. Cool Snow Parties is that they can be held at any time of the year to fit any type
If you are eager to throw a snow party in Dallas but don’t want a bunch of kids running around and creating a loud environment, consider throwing an adult-only snow party. From delicious food ideas to the perfect cocktails, a snow party can be
By DFW Snow Parties In Snow Party
No matter how you feel about winter, everyone can have fun at a Mr. Cool Snow Party! A snow party brings out the kid in everyone. Snow angels, snowmen, and snowball fights make everyone smile, especially when they are part of a party. Planning
By DFW Snow Parties In Snow Party
Summers in Texas can be brutal. At least we have air conditioning, but it sure does get boring being stuck indoors all of the time. Wouldn’t it be great to do something outdoors during a heat wave? How about a summer snow party! There
By DFW Snow Parties In Snow Party
It is hot in Texas during the summer, but our winters aren’t exactly chilling either. When you are feeling hot, a snow party sounds like a great idea! Mr. Cool offers snow parties year-round. If you feel the need for a cool summer activity,
A party isn’t a party unless there is food. When Mr. Cool shows up to your house to blow out the snow for your snow party, you will probably be in the kitchen whipping up some goodies for your guests to snack on. A
It’s officially spring in North Texas. The temperatures are beginning to flirt with warmth, and winter is a memory in the minds of many. However, even with the spring and summer heat approaching, snow could still be on the menu for fun. Emergency Ice,
Snow parties are a very popular event in the DFW area. Many kids every year have snow themed birthday parties that have classic games and lots of youthful fun. But what about the adults? Don’t we deserve to get a little snow in our
Your Texas snow party has the potential to be the event of any season among your friends and community. Is it just enough to have snow in front of your house? We think not! In order to have a hit snow party, then you
In Texas, we are used to getting bouts of snow throughout the winter season. Sometimes these snow occurrences lead to snow days, but these experiences are extremely rare in the Dallas-Fort Worth area and sometimes you just want a snow day. Even if you’re